If you have been pulled over by a police officer for a minor traffic violation (e.g. your light is out), and the cop tells you that he or she wants to pat down your body in order to ensure his or her own safety, do you have the right to say no?...

Dividing Your Marital Assets in a Divorce
Divorce can be extremely challenging for many reasons. One reason that divorce often becomes contentious is due to child custody arrangements. But often, it can become combative due to the division of the marital assets. One thing that can help to make that situation easier: an appraiser. Here is how an...

Counterfeit COVID-19 Vaccination Cards Can Result in Criminal Charges in NY
As more and more entities have begun to require people to receive the COVID-19 vaccination, more people have been looking to obtain a fake vaccination card. With the large amount of money that can be made from selling counterfeit vaccination cards, some people have taken to doing just that. However, those who...

Arrested? Here’s What Not to Do
When you have been arrested, it can be extremely overwhelming and scary. You may have absolutely no idea what to do next. But here are four things that you should not do.
1. Discuss the CaseWhen you are so upset and emotional after an arrest,...

Who Gets the Engagement Ring in a Divorce?
Making the decision to propose to your significant other is a big step. But as romantic as it can be, there are some less romantic aspects that must be considered. While you may have no doubt that this marriage will work out, it’s still important that you plan for any outcome. With...

What Is Racketeering?
You have probably heard of the word “racketeering” but may not know what it means. Racketeering can best be defined under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act. RICO, which was established in 1970, includes several federal crimes.
What Crimes Are Considered Racketeering?Crimes under...

Getting a Divorce? Stay Off of Facebook
Social media is now more prevalent than ever before. In a society that has been distanced over the past year due to COVID-19, staying connected is more important than ever. But while social media has undoubtedly added to our lives in many ways, it can also have negative consequences for those going...

When Can You Plead Insanity?
Whether you were in another place at the time or were unknowingly drugged, there are often a number of defenses available when you have been charged with a crime. But what if you commit a crime without knowing that it was wrong? This is sometimes the case due to mental disease or...